Here's the way it works:
The events of MY life are significant to ME because I only exist on MY TIME-LINE - no one else's.
It is thus for EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL on earth, although some of them will try to convince you that THEY are an exception to this reality.
Now, most of us here on this board share a common experience (but not an identical experience) - we were, for some portion of our lives, Jehovah's Witnesses.
These experiences are important to us because there are no other experiences that can drop into the time-slices occupied by our JW experiences.
The problem for us lies in the fact that the majority of the people we share this planet with did NOT have any JW experiences - they had their OWN experiences.
JW-ism, as a cult, is not dastardly enough to merit much attention from anyone. JW leadership is stupid and careless and clumsy and more than a bit effete and feminine and faggy*, but they aren't as bad as some of the other cults the world has known, in my opinion. That doesn't mean that GREAT EVIL has not occurred within JW congregation - I know that it has. But as XJWs we just don't have the numbers to garner great attention.
So, NO the general public does not care about former JWs. Them's the facts.
*make me laugh - tell me they aren't!